Research and analyze patents, papers, and other technical information to identify domestic and overseas technology trends and technology levels in stages from research planning, research development, and patent application
Prevent duplication of research and establish research direction and possibility of patent registration in advance
Evaluation of technology and business
Determine whether to apply for a patent by evaluating the technology, right, marketability, and business feasibility of the developed technology comprehensively, or discover marketing target technologies for technology transfer
Increase a patent quality, create a strong patent, reduce the cost, and enhance technology transfer efficiency
Technical valuation
Estimate the value of transferred technology using technology valuation methods such as profit approach, cost approach, market approach, and royalties exemption law and calculate damages in patent disputes
Derive amicable agreement on technology transfer or patent infringement negotiation from rational and objective evaluation of technology
Patent asset valuation
Reduce maintenance costs by abandoning low-value patents by comprehensively evaluating technology, right, marketability, and business feasibility of patents held
Provide opportunities for excellent technology or promising companies to revive