Overseas Design Application

Direct Application to an Individual Country

It is a method of direct application to a country you want to receive a design registration.
This is referred to as “Design application by Paris route” because the patent applicant generally applies for the priority under the Paris Convention,
and the design application must proceed in accordance with the laws and procedures of the applicant country.
However, in order to claim priority, an application must be filed within 6 months from the filing date of the earlier application.

Application for International Design under the Hague Agreement

In accordance with the Hague Agreement, the Hague system can be used to apply for design applications to
one or more countries of the agreement as a single application. The characteristics of the Hague system are that the Office for
Harmonization in the International Market(Trade Marks and Designs)(OHIM) and the African Intellectual Property Organization(OAPI),
both of which are joint intellectual property organizations, are parties to the Hague Agreement.

Comparison of Direct Application by Individual Country and Application by Hague System

Direct Application by Individual Country

Application by Hague System

Direct Application by Individual Country

  • · Applications to multiple countries
  • · Languages of multiple countries
  • · Currencies of multiple countries
  • · Registrations of multiple countries
  • · Renewal steps of multiple countries
  • · Transfer registration produces of multiple countries
  • · Attorneys of multiple countries

Application by Hague System

  • · One Application(DM/1(E))
  • · One language(English)
  • · One currency(CHF)
  • · One international registration(international registration office)
  • · One renewal step(WIPO renewal fee)
  • · One transfer registration produce(WIPO)
  • · Attorney not required